Presentation – Christoph Hambel
K 1206 Koopmans building, Warandelaan 2, Tilburg, Noord Brabant, NetherlandsBiodiversity Risks and the Carbon Premium
Biodiversity Risks and the Carbon Premium
Daily leverage and long-term investing using leveraged exchange traded funds
Model-free and data driven methods in mathematical finance
Retirement Income Loss Control Strategies
Welfare Effects of Uniform Variable Annuities for Individuals with Different Educational Levels
Funding the Fittest? Pricing of Climate Transition Risk in the Corporate Bond Market
Can Inflation and Monetary Policy Predict Asset Prices?
Stochastic Monotonicity and Random Utility Models: The Good and The Ugly
A Deep BSDE approach for the simultaneous pricing and delta-gamma hedging of large portfolios consisting of high-dimensional multi-asset Bermudan options
Systemic Risk in Financial Networks: The Role of CoCo Bonds by Paul de Moor and Revisiting the recovery theorem: Why does practice refute theory? by Okke Labout
Impact of Marriage and Homeownership Timing on Financial Wealth